Frank Muller Portrait

donate to the frank muller fund

June 4, 2008
We are saddened by Franks death
but grateful that his voice lives on
in our books and in our minds.

News and Updates

June 4 2008
Frank Muller is Remembered

We are sad to announce that Frank passed away on Wednesday, June 4, 2008 at Duke University Hospital in Durham, NC. Fortunately, our whole family arrived in time to say goodbye. We treasure the years we had him with us as he was an amazing husband, father, son, brother, and uncle to us all. Knowing that the long struggle is over for him gives us some measure of comfort. We will miss him dearly but we celebrate his life, his love, his career, his heart.
       from Frank's Official Website



Performances  NEW
A Complete List of AudioBook performances. Man! he's read a lot of stuff! A dozen Stephen King books alone.
Reviews of the audiobooks I have listened to. I'll add 'em as I hear 'em.
WaveDancer is his personal recording studio. Pictures of the equipment!
Awards & Acclaim
I'm not the only one who thinks he's a great storyteller!
Just who was Frank Muller?
Muller told us all about what goes into making an audiobook, plus some personal thoughts. Exclusive
"A Reader Inflects" -- an essay on essence of storytelling by Muller himself

This page owned and maintained by "Bitchen" Ric Johnson